Monday, October 20, 2008


So I was the one who started off the pants cannon idea. for the parade. Lauren had been talking about the use of t shirt cannons to launch new media t shirts to people. I had thought pants would grab your attention much more. mostly because pants would hurt. This was the idea that sparked the whole illegal new media parade in the middle of rush hour. We had come to the conclusion that this was not doable. I just happened to think of a way to sort of do it.

The new media parade idea was essentially designed to get peoples attention through chaos . The problem is that alot of it is not physically feasible. It also would be dangerous and people would get hurt. What can be done is you could create a fictional documentary about the illegal new media parade using green screen and 3D. The documentary could portray the parade like a riot or a war zone where these insane new media students have gone beyond to far in adverting the new media program and are hunting down people wit pants cannons. We could have scenarios where pyrotechnics used in the parade start large fires that get out of control. It could even be approached like cloverfield where video of the chaos created is recovered from victims of the parade. It would take alot of time and effort to produce the video and make it realistic without actually having the parade but it could actually be done. It would cost alot though. Some blog entries and coments in class seemed to look at the new media parade as a completely useless or imposible idea and that our brainstorming session was a waste of time. But after sitting on the idea I thought of a way to bring it to life using digital media. This just illustrates the idea that brainstorming can go way outside the box and things can be picked out of a completely insane and impossible idea and be refined or re-adapted or done in a different medium and be possible. It would still havesome issue as far as the amount of effort needed to do it but it could be done.

The other ideas that I liked were the zine idea, the saturday school idea especialy and the guerilla marketing with cardboard cutouts.


For my bliss assignment I watch a bunch of anime on youtube. I usually find watching tv and movie quite relaxing. I watch fantasy or scifi stuff because it isn't based in reality. It's easy to forget about real life problems when you get absorbed in fantasy. I figured this assignment would help me relax and get a fresh perspective on my assignments. I've been beyond stressed this semester so at first it didn't do anything. I really felt the same afterwards. It had no lasting effect. I was tense almost immediately after I stoped watching. I decided to wait a day and try it again. After a second sht at it I did feel quite a bit more relaxed. I was able to think more clearly and plan out things better. Stress is almost paralitic to creativity. I think that in the future that just taking time off to just escape would be usefull. I just think that it didn't work as wellas it should have now because my stress level is just so high.

Monday, October 13, 2008

What the bleep...

Exactly! WTF? I'm not sure what to write about what the bleep. One thing I noticed was that the film covered a thorough list of all the factors and forces that influence our lives: quantum physics, biology, neuroscience, religion, emotions, force of will, and interpersonal relations. The thing is that it didn't seem to tie all of the topics together cohesively so I didn't seem to come away with a greater message. I guess the big idea was unity. Unity in the way all of these forces act individually and affect every person and affect those we interact with indirectly.(if that makes sense) Also how all of these factors act together to make up the human condition. The thing is that I sort of pulled that message together myself and it was not realy something presented by the film. A main message was sort of absent. It was sort of a string of thoughts that it didn't tie together super well.

The topics were interesting for the most part. I think I liked the physics stuff better than the religiouse or spiritual stuff. What's wierd is that I should have liked this movie. I have seen other films that combine many of the same sort of topics and loved them. I usually love physics documentaries. I usually like documentaries on science culture and religion. I would have to say that the test is would I watch it again. I'd say no. These things usually get me on a really cool train of thought. They get me thinking on a higher level. I didn't get that from What the Bleep. It wasn't organized. It just had no dirrection that tied all the topics together to get a big idea out of it. It was more like "Hey here's a whole bunch of interesting stuff you might not have ever thought about and we're gonna talk about all of them." They may have all been intersting and important topics but were not assembled well. They were more shoved together.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sense 1 sight

I was sitting at work the other day. I usually sit by the window so I can entertain myself by looking outside. I watch cars and people go by and watch the weather or whatever is going on outside. It's less boring than my job. This day I had to close the blinds because it was bright out but I found out that this gave me a much more interesting way to watch the cars. The blinds are your typical horizontal office blinds. The were rotated upwards so any light that got in went up instead of down into your eyes. I happened to look up and notice the light was cast on the ceiling and part of the adjacent wall. Suddenly the rows of light started to move and ripple. Brighter beams of light would travel up the fainter rows of light that were already being cast on the ceiling. I would see this intermittently sometimes in one direction instead of another or both at once. I also noticed other beams of light coming through vertically where the blinds and the vertical edge of the window met. It all combined to make something very close to a laser light show projected on the office ceiling. It took me a minute to realize that the movement of the beams of light was the sun bouncing off of the tops cars that pass by and bouncing back up and between the blinds. I was watching the cars but indirectly. They made these bizarrely rhythmic patterns of light on the ceiling that were much more interesting than just watching the cars go by.

Monday, October 6, 2008

What if we ran out of oil tomorrow

I did some uber simple Photoshop to capture the general sentiment if we ran out of gas.